国际标准期刊号: 2161-119X



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Oral Oncology: Unraveling the Complexity of Head and Neck Cancers

Murad Husein

Head and neck cancers represent a multifaceted challenge in the field of oncology, demanding a comprehensive understanding of their intricate biology, diagnostic modalities, and therapeutic interventions. This review delves into the complexities of oral oncology, exploring the diverse array of cancers that manifest within the head and neck region. We navigate the intricate landscape of molecular and genetic factors contributing to the initiation and progression of these cancers, shedding light on the heterogeneity that defines their clinical behavior. Diagnostic methodologies, ranging from advanced imaging techniques to molecular biomarkers, are discussed in detail, highlighting the evolving landscape of precision medicine in oral oncology. Furthermore, we delve into the therapeutic armamentarium, encompassing surgery, radiotherapy, and novel targeted therapies, emphasizing the importance of personalized treatment strategies. The review concludes by underscoring the ongoing challenges and future directions in oral oncology research, emphasizing the need for interdisciplinary collaboration to decipher the complexities of these malignancies and pave the way for improved patient outcomes.

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