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Palliative Care and Nursing in Palestine, 2015

Mohamad Khlei and Amal Dweib

As cancer is the second leading cause of death in Palestine (14.2%), and as it is diagnosed usually in the late stage, this makes its burden heavier on both patients and the healthcare system, and leads to poorer quality of life (QoL) of patients. This leads to great need initiate and implement palliative care (PC) to improve patients QoL. PC nursing is on the priority within such endeavors, which is still in its early development and needs national and international support. On the clinical aspect, only one PC team, composed of a nurse and a social worker, is implementing PC consultations in Bethlehem, depending on minor support from local community. On the other hand, opioids are still under prescribed by limited number of physicians only, with no access of nurses to prescription or modification. Hospice service or nurses are not available yet in the country. Knowledge of PC and its importance is limited among nurses, as well as other healthcare professionals, in Palestine. There is a new initiative to include PC education in the curriculum of undergraduate nurses in the governmental education in the ministry of health, but still no official programs in PC yet. Nevertheless, there are some workshops in PC conducted by the Middle East Cancer Consortium and AL-Sadeel Society. Even though, limited researches done in Palestine suggest a positive attitude of Palestinian nurses toward PC and willingness for its education. Needs for development of PC include, after adopting supporting legislations and policies within the national system, proper PC training and certification, public awareness, and formation of PC teams. Future outlooks include initiating educational programs in palliative care nursing at the undergraduate and post graduate levels, integrating PC into the national health plans and education, valuing competent palliative care, and more national and international concerns and funds for those struggling to initiate PC in Palestine.

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