国际标准期刊号: 2161-1165

Epidemiology: Open Access


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Paralleling Spatial Prevalence of Anaemia of all Districts Maharashtra, India

Mithun Mog, Koustav Ghosh

In developing countries, anemia, in conjugation with other prevalent diseases, has given rise to a significant health crisis that causes severe physical and cognitive damages. The present work aims to prevalence of anemia in India especially at district level of Maharashtra India. The study is based upon two time points of National Family Health Survey (NFHS) India. Result shows the state has higher prevalence of anaemia compare to national average of NFHS-4. The changes result shows that few districts has in improvising stage of women health but, majority of the state districts of Maharashtra highlighting a serious health picture. Out of 36 districts, 16 districts have higher prevalence more than 55% of anaemia of Maharashtra. Furthermore, the changes between 2015 and of 2020 of all districts of Maharashtra, 16 districts have shown an increase which was more than 10% than signifies serious women problems still existing in those districts, therefore a straight policy need to be implemented targeting a specific health issues and specific regions of Maharashtra.

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