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Participatory Evaluation and Selection of Improved Haricot bean Varieties at Liben District, Lowland Agro Ecology of Guji Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

Basha Kebede, Dembi Korji and Girma Amare

The activity was conducted in Liben district in 2016 production season to evaluate the yield performance of improved haricot bean varieties under pastoral and agro-pastorals’ circumstances and to build pastoral and agropastorals’ knowledge and skills of production and management of improved haricot bean technologies. Based on haricot bean production potential Measa Kebele selected. With collaboration of Liben pastoral and Agro pastoral office, Zonal Mobile Supporting Team and kebele leaders 25 pastoral and agro pastoral were selected. The 25 pastoral and agro pastorals were grouped into one PAPRG. Then 25 PAPRG members were regrouped into three experimental pastoral and agro pastoralists. Training was given for PAPRG members, Development Agents and experts. Exchange visit was arranged to share experience on the work each PAPRG. Haramaya, Awasa Dume, Ebado varieties were evaluated for their performance on pastoral land with standard check variety. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and direct matrix ranking. Accordingly, local variety called Warabu recorded 31 kg/ha higher yield than expected improved haricot bean varieties. However, this local variety has no market demand. Variety selection was conducted by PAPRG based PAPRG criteria of market demand, color, disease and insect reaction, drought resistance (early maturity) and other parameters. Accordingly, Ebado variety was preferred by PAPRGs based on marketability while Local check and Awasa Dube were selected as first and second respectively based on their early mature (drought resistance), number of pod/plant, higher yield and resistance to insects. Haramaya variety was susceptible to insects. The improved varieties (Haramaya, Awasa Dube, and Ebado) being demonstrated were not showing their highest yield potential. But each of these varieties were preferred by pastoral and agro pastoralist on some crop trait. Even though Ebado was lower yield per hectare the variety was mostly preferred due to its high market demand. Pastoralists and agro pastoralists should use Ebado variety to increase their income and Warabu for household consumption.

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