国际标准期刊号: ISSN 2472-016X



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Patellar Capillary Hemangioma in a Child â?? Is Patellectomy Necessary?

Jorge Z, Gellman YN, Victoria D, Vladimir G, Pansky A, Simanovsky N and Lamdan R

Patellar capillary hemangioma is a very rare tumor with only a few reported cases in the medical literature. Previously, this tumor was treated by means of partial patellectomy. We treated a skeletally immature 13 years old boy with a painful capillary hemangioma by curettage, bone grafting and internal stabilization. Clinical and radiographic healing was noted with full recovery and return to normal activity. In two years follow-up the patient was pain-free, regained full motion, and participated in daily and physical demanding activities. No radiographic recurrence was noted, Curettage, bone grafting and internal stabilization may provide adequate solution and enable return to normal, pain free activity, obviating the need for patellectomy in cases of a patellar hemangioma.

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