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Performance Evaluation of Nano Based Materials for Energy Optimization in Buildings

Umang Sharma, Dr. Syed Mohammad Noman Tariq

The increasing demand for sustainable and energy-efficient buildings has prompted the exploration of newly developed, innovative materials and technologies that can enhance energy optimization. Nanotechnology is one of the fastest growing industries in the world in recent years. It will have a profound impact on building materials and their properties. The use of nanotechnology results in the creation of Nanobased materials. These materials offer great potential for enhancing energy efficiency and performance in building envelopes and systems. By precisely controlling materials at the nanoscale, properties such as durability, strength, insulation, and resistance can be optimized. The research methodology involves a systematic review of the literature to identify the most commonly used Nano-based materials in the field of energy optimization in buildings. These materials are expected to benefit the construction industry, including traditional materials like cement, concrete, and steel. Advances in nanotechnology have led to the creation of insulating materials such as Nano foams, Nanostructured aerogels, Nansulate insulated coating, and vacuum insulated panels etc. This research focuses on the application of four major Nano-based materials (viz. Aerogel panels, Vacuum insulated panels, Nansulate insulated coating, and Double glazed with aerogel granules) for energy efficiency in buildings. The research employs computer simulation using Ecotect Analysis 2011 to evaluate the performance of these materials in various prototype modules

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