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Physiotherapy Influence on a Knee Cap with a Toe

Rishabh B

Due to skin lesions and overstretched periarticular tissues, hammertoe, one of the most common toe deformities, is painful. In addition, it causes difficulty selecting footwear, an unsightly foot appearance, and a decline in personal satisfaction. The most common treatment for rigid and advanced deformities is surgery, which is extensively covered in the literature. Moderate therapy ought to be considered if the progressions in the interphalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints are adaptable—that is, they undergo revision without causing pain—or if medical intervention is impossible. In any case, this treatment strategy has not been concentrated on exhaustively. Part of the conservative treatment is the Kinesiology Taping (KT) method, which uses tape to correct deformities. The impacts of KT treatment on a female patient with hammertoes are examined in this report. Materials and Methods: Prior to KT application, immediately following tape application, and after tape removal after a month of use, foot loadings (baropodometric platform) and anthropometric foot measurements (three-dimensional scanner) are presented. Following the use of KT, parameters such as: There were changes in foot length, maximum foot load, and load under the metatarsal II-III area. Conclusion: Kinesiology tape is a great alternative for patients who do not wish to or are unable to undergo surgery because it appears to be a symptomatic method of treating the effects of a lesser toe deformity.

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