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Alkesh Patidar*, Richa Gupta and Archana Tiwari
Potential of Streptomyces viridosporus , Aspergillus niger and Moraxella osloensis combination in thermophilic composting followed vermicomposting of jatropha seed cake with 2:1 ratio of Water Hyacinth (WH) and Cow Dung (CD) was tested. Significant decrement in MC, TOC, and C: N ratio and increment in temperature, TP was observed. TKN, pH and TK were first increases in composting and then decreased in vermin composting. Most stable and matured vermin compost was obtained in S1 substrate in terms of C: N ratio below 20 (19.50 ± 1.10). Maximum earthworm number (47 ± 6), maximum net biomass worm −1 (150 ± 15.6) obtained in S3 substrate and maximum cocoons (23 ± 2) were counted S1 substrate. 20% (w/w) vermin compost amended soil induced the growth in root length, shoot length and 100% GI while >20% (w/w) was inhibitory for plant growth. This approach decreases time period of degradation and produce good quality vermin compost if mixed up to 20%.