国际标准期刊号: 1522-4821



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Preventing Vicarious Trauma: A Private Psychological Tool for Health Care Workers

Christian Heim

Among the multiple problems associated with vicarious trauma in health care workers are hopelessness, absenteeism, poor sleep, anxiety, cynicism, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other mental health issues. The problem is partly driven by rapid change, increased work complexity, staffing issues and consumer demand. Stigma, stoicism and other workplace barriers inhibit disclosure of the problem and the implementation of evidence-based techniques which have been shown to be effective. This article presents a psychological tool to help individuals protect themselves against the deleterious effects of vicarious trauma. Grounded in evidenced-based rationale, the tool brings together the preferential use of compassion over empathy, exposure therapy techniques, the use of mature defence mechanisms and employing a Bilateral Stimulation Technique. It is time-efficient and relatively easy to learn by an individual for themselves. It has the potential to alleviate the work distress and accumulated toxic emotions which lead to vicarious trauma, and overcome the barriers to implementing group and management-initiated interventions in this urgent area of need

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