国际标准期刊号: 1522-4821



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  • 出版医学


Preventive Health and Hygiene Practices in World?s Most Productive Locomotive Factory Workers during COVID-19 Pandemic

Utsav Chaware*, Anindita Das, Pitam Maji

After the successful combat with the first covid wave in the country, Mutation created havoc in India. This was addressed to poor social habits and irresponsible covid behavior in the community and lack of awareness. Many studies during and after the pandemic assessed the preventive health and hygiene practices of Health Care and front-line workers and reported substandard and suboptimal practices regarding various subsections, but only a few studies investigated the practices of the community, and no study addressed the preventive practices of factory workers and labors. This study assessed the health and hygiene practices of Chittaranjan Locomotive Workers, India, and the world’s most productive locomotives. A pre-validated questionnaire consisting of 21 items incorporating various subsections including hand hygiene, social distancing, mask, gadgets/fomites, and lifestyle was used for the study. The findings of the study unfold some suboptimal practices regarding hand hygiene, social distancing while working, repeatedly touching, and inappropriate disposal of masks, which could lead to widespread infections, and families of workers were found to be at greater risk. However, in most of the areas workers were aware and cautious but constant vigilance and heightened self-awareness can result in better prevention from infections. The study will contribute to policy framing and program building in times of health emergencies and also will strengthen the health practices of workers who are most vulnerable to infections.

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