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Primary School Pupils in Kenya Learn and Practice Good Hygiene

Gladys Njura Gitau, Judith O Kimiywe, Judith N Waudo and Dorcus Mbithe

Most health problems are directly or indirectly associated with environmental sanitation. Most illnesses could be associated with personal hygiene and sanitation of the pupils. Freund, Graybill, and Keith, 2005) in their study in Zambia reported that little was actually known about health of children from 6-15 years and much still remains to be learned. Research now shows that risk of poor health continues throughout childhood and children's health status especially of girls, which actually worsens from age 5-15 years. Several studies have indicated a connection between hand sanitization and infection control in numerous settings such as extended care facilities, schools, and hospitals. Hand hygiene practices improve through increased frequency of hand washing and by increasing awareness of the importance of hand hygiene. This results in fewer Upper Respiratory Infection symptoms, lower illness rates, and lower absenteeism from school. Hand-hygiene interventions are efficacious for preventing gastrointestinal illnesses, in both developed and lesser-developed countries.

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