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Problematic Internet Use among Medical School Students in Menoufia University Egypt

Hala Mohammed shaheen, Taghreed M farahat and Hala M gaber

Background: The use of computer and internet is increasing day after day. It can lead to a state that appears to be as disorder with wide range of definitions and diagnosis as problematic, pathological internet using up to internet addiction. The purpose of this study: was to estimate the prevalence and risk factors of Pathological internet use among Menoufia medical students and effect on their academic achievement. Method: Case control study nested in cross sectional study was conducted. The estimated sample was 369 students. Predesigned questionnaire used including socioeconomic status, validated twenty questions Young scale to assess the condition of internet using in the last six months, risk factor and the previous students' year result. Result: About 48.5% of students were included in pathological internet user. The main causes for internet using were chatting and games 43.1%. Risk factors were being males, from urban area, middle and high socioeconomic status, availability of internet at home, private laptop and private android mobile were. There was significant negative correlation between problematic internet use and academic achievement. The main predictor of pathological internet use in this study was availability of android mobile. Conclusion: The pathological/problematic internet use was prevalent among 48.5% of the studied students however the students with pathological internet use showed significant better academic grade than the other group. Implications and Contribution: There is wide use of internet for studying activities among medical school students. The use of internet for long period may cause variable degrees of dependence on the computer and internet use. So there is need to study the effect of their use on the academic achievement and weight the benefit to the hazards.

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