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Productive and Reproductive Performance of Indigenous Chickens in Sibu Sire District, Eastern Wollega Zone, Ethiopia

Chala Adugna

The study was conducted with objective of identifying indigenous chickens’ productive, reproductive performance and marketing system in Sibu sire districts of eastern wollega zone. Structured questionnaire were used for data collection. Stratified sampling method was used to stratify the study areas in to different agro ecological zones and random sampling methods were used to select representative peasant association. Respondents from each PA were selected using purposive sampling methods based on number of chickens owning, experience and availability of infrastructure. Both primary and secondary source of data were collected and analyzed using Spss 20. The mean flock size per household of the study area was 14.16 ± 1.29. About 34.79% of chickens were kept for egg production followed by cash income and chick production. 92% of respondent use scavenging feeding system and 8% only practice supplementation. Main supplementary feeds were maize and household leftover followed by wheat, sorghum and barley. About 52.8% of respondent provide supplementary feeding once and 39.1%, 7.9% provide twice and three times respectively. The main source of water was river and with free access watering practice. Most of the respondent (58.70%) use common house for chickens followed by separate and on floor housing system. About 63.8% collect egg every day, every two day (24.6%) and not collect (12%) respectively. About 72% of respondent use straw for egg storage. About 67.5% the respondent practice culling of unproductive chickens and the main reasons for culling was age. Color was the main selection criteria followed by hatchability and size in study area. Productive performance of chickens in the study area reveals that average number egg laid per clutch per hen was 12.52 ± 0.12 egg and with average clutch numbers of 3.34 ± 0.10. Number of egg hatched per clutch per hen was 12.10 ± 0.24 egg and average number egg hatched per hen per year was 27.81 ± 0.53. The mean hatchability performances of hen in study area were 72.09% with 26.71% mortality rate. All of respondent use hand egg collection methods using material like pot for egg collection. The main actors participating in marketing of chicks and egg were producers, middle men and consumers. 81.94% and 91.1% of respondents practice chickens and egg selling price fluctuation was the main challenges of marketing in study area.


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