国际标准期刊号: 2161-1165

Epidemiology: Open Access


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Prostate Cancer in the Pre and Post Diagnosis Phase – A Population Based Study on Health Care Costs

Katarina Sjövall, Bo Attner, Thor Lithman, Dennis Noreen and Håkan Olsson

Prostate cancer is associated with significant health care costs and is a major public health concern. The aim of this study was to examine and analyse all direct health care costs among prostate cancer in the pre- and post diagnostic phase of the disease. The aim was also to examine if outcomes of ill health in terms of health care use and health care costs increased among partners of prostate cancer patients. We used population-based data for monitoring health care costs, including in- and outpatient care and pharmaceuticals. Health care costs were monitored in relation to time periods before and after the prostate cancer diagnosis for both patients and their partners. The major part of health care costs for prostate cancer patients occurred during the first year following the diagnosis. A clear difference was seen between costs for survivors and costs for deceased; the first year following the diagnosis costs was about 50% higher for deceased and 2-3 times higher the following years. Health care costs increased with higher Gleason score in the year following the diagnosis. Higher health care costs were seen for patients treated with primary radiotherapy. Lowest costs were seen for patients with expectancy. Health care costs were higher for patients with curative treatments compared to those with palliative treatments. Partners had an increase in health care use both the first and second year following the diagnosis of the prostate cancer patient leading to an increase in health care costs. The cost burden of prostate cancer varies along the different phases of the disease. When planning for care and allocation of resources for care the impact on the partner should also be considered.