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Purification of Schizothorax Immunoglobulin Raised Against Metazoan Parasite: A Preliminary Study

Feroz A. Shah1, J. Mohanty, M.H. Balkhi, F.A. Bhat and Inayat Chishti

Attempts were made to purify immunoglobulins from serum of Schizothorax, Schizothorax niger, which had been immunized with Pomphorhynchus (Acanthocephalan) antigen. Initially, the protein in the serum was salted out at 50% saturation with ammonium sulphate and was chromatographed successively by gel filtration and ion exchange columns. The Pomphorhynchus kashmirensis agglutination positive fractions from ion exchange column when concentrated and checked in SDS-PAGE, three bands where observed. Since teleosts immunoglobulins have been shown to belong to a single class, the two extra bands found in our study might be the degradation products of immunoglobulin or some unpurified contaminants.

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