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Recent advances in nutritionary sciences: an outline of glycans and miRNAs

Marcello Menapace

There are several nutritionary substances that humans consume on a daily basis: water, carbohydrates lipids and proteins ar main organic chemistry parts of food. Others during a smaller quantity ar vitamins minerals and enzymes. At a probably lesser amount ar glycans and miRNAs. The presence of oligoglycans all told food sources is a longtime truth for several years. These special carbohydrates ar gift as glycoconjugates (glycoproteins or glycolipids) in and on the surface of all the cells (glycocalyx) of all organisms that we have a tendency to eat and stay intact through the gastrointestinal tract as we have a tendency to lack the accelerator repertoire of the soma to detach their explicit ?-linkages. Glycans bind to naturally gift human lectins (through protein-carbohydrate interactions), however conjointly with different human glycans (through carbohydrate-carbohydrate interactions, or CCI). Moreover, these glycans like fibres, ar digestible by the gut microbiota that resides at intervals the internal organ. As our organic chemistry shapes the composition of the microbiome, therefore will the composition of glycans and foods that we have a tendency to consume, triggering biological responses.

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