国际标准期刊号: ISSN 2472-016X



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Recurrence Rates in Twenty Four Patients with Pelvic Aneurysmal Bone Cyst with a Minimum Follow-up of Two Years

Ozmen Emre, Alpan Bugra, Valiyev Natig, Kochai Alauddin, Bilgic Bilge, Ozger Harzem, Eralp Levent

Background: Pelvic Aneurysmal Bone Cysts (ABC) are challenging lesions for the orthopedic surgeons. Compared to ABCs located in the extremities, pelvic ABCs present unique problems due to the difficulty of exposures or proximity to critical neurovascular structures. Common treatment options include intralesional surgery (curettage with or without cementing, phenol, auto or allografting), resection, and arterial embolization in select cases. The aim of this study is to present our results regarding recurrence rates in a cohort of 24 patients.

Methods: Twenty-four patients operated for pelvic ABC from 1992 to 2018 were retrospectively reviewed. Presenting symptoms, application of preoperative embolization, type of operation, detection of recurrence, time to recurrence and further management and follow-up times were noted. Average follow-up was 66 months (24-200).

Results: Lesions were localized in the periacetabular region in 3 cases (12.5%), pubic rami in 5 cases
(20.8%), iliac wing in 9 cases (37.5%) and sacrum in 7 cases (29.2%). Preoperative angioembolization was used in 7 cases (29.2%). Recurrence was observed in 5 (20.8%) of 24 cases. Recurrence occurred at an average of 27.7 months (6-84, median 18.4) after the primary surgery. Chi-square test for using of bone cement and rate of recurrence was not statistically significant (p>0.05).

Conclusion: Through careful planning, comprehensive imaging and meticulous surgical treatment predictably low recurrence rates can be achieved

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