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Reducing Heat Gain in Building through Walls with Energy Efficient Materials ? A Case Study of Frank & Debbie Management Complex, A.M.U

Umang Sharma and Dr. Syed Mohammad Noman Tariq

Buildings are responsible for significant portion of the world's energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. One of the key factors that contribute to high energy consumption of buildings is the heat gain through walls. Heat gain through walls can result in increased cooling load and can cause discomfort to the occupants. Here application of Energy efficient materials (viz. Vacuum Insulated Panels, Aerogel Panels, Polyurethane Foam and Polystyrene Foam) on walls are analyzed on basis of their thermal efficiency and availability.This research focuses on the development of a simulation model of a live Institutional building to investigate the potential of energy efficient materials. The objective is to identify materials that effectively reduce heat transfer through walls and improve the energy efficiency of buildings. The research employs computer simulation by using Ecotect Analysis 2011, to analyze thermal behavior of different wall materials, and evaluate the performance of selected energy efficient materials.

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