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Registration of a Newly Released Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Variety, 'Bondena' , for Potential Areas in Southern Ethiopia

Mathewos Ashamo, Mathewos Chumamo and Alemar Said

Twenty-three bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes and two check varieties were evaluated at four Research Stations such as Hossana, Angacha, Kokate and Waka for two years from 2014-2015. Data for grain yield and other important traits were generated from eight environments. Bread wheat genotype coded as ETBW6188 with pedigree name D67.2/P66.270//AE.SQUARROSA(320)/3/CUNNINGGHAM/4/CROC-1/AESQUARROSA(205)// KAUZ/3SASIA and the other bread wheat genotype coded as ETBW6440 and with pedigree name WHEAR/ SOKOLL were promoted to VVT (variety verification trial) phase where these two candidate genotypes along with two check varieties such “Danda” and “Wane” were re-evaluated in the four Research Stations and on farms using large plots for one year, in 2017. After critical evaluation of VVT by national variety realizing committee (NVRC) and group of farmers, the first genotype, coded as ETBW6188 with the pedigree name indicated above, and later given commercial name called “Bondena” was officially released for wider production in optimum areas of southern Ethiopia.

免责声明: 此摘要通过人工智能工具翻译,尚未经过审核或验证。