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Relation among Proximate Compositions, Rheological Properties and Injera Making Quality of Millet Varieties

Fikiru Dasa, Ly Nguyen Binh

The rheological, baking and eating quality of foods are depends on the relationship among the proximate and starch compositions of flour. In the present study four finger millet varieties (Axum, Padet, Tadese and Tesema), one pearl millet variety (Kola-1) and one tef variety (Qucnho) which was used as control were considered for investigation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the chemical compositions and rheological properties of flours for injera making quality. A significant (p<0.05) variations were observed among the five millet flours and Quncho in their proximate compositions and starch components. The highest contents of crude protein (11.62%), crude fat (6.42%), iron (61.7 mg/kg) and zinc (53.55 mg/kg) and the lowest contents of ash (1.72%), carbohydrate (55.37%), amylose (17.5%) and calcium (0.02%) were noticed for Kola-1compared to finger millet cultivars. Pasting properties were positively correlated with starch and amylose contents, and negatively correlated with fat content. Injera making quality was positively correlated with fat and protein contents and negatively correlated with starch content. The result indicated that the highest the protein content the more preferred injera quality. In its consumer acceptance, injera made from Kola-1 was preferred similar with the control.

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