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Report on the First Stages in the Translation of Measures of Health-Related Quality of Life at the End of Life

Poirier AL, Kwiatkowski F, Commer JM, Swaine-Verdier A, Montel S, Charpy JP, Maucourt F, Le Pape E, Baize N, Villet S, Gamblin V, Favier L, Berger V, Mercier M and Bonnetain F

Objectives: To translate and adapt the English version of QUAL-E (Quality of Life at the End of Life Measure) and MVQOLI (Missoula Vitas Quality Of Life Index) into French, taking into account cultural differences.

Methods: The selected translation process for linguistic validation included independent translations to the target language (French) performed by translators who were either native English speakers or French native speakers. Then, the translations were confronted to obtain a reconciled version as close as possible to the original text. This involved taking into account specific intercultural validity problems. To evaluate these translations, 30 patients tested and commented on the French adaptations of the quality-of-life (QoL) questionnaires.

Results: Some modifications were made following patients’ comments. The QUAL-E and MVQOLI translations were then finalized by the translation team. The prospective study (randomized multicentre cohort study) was then initiated. The validation of psychometric properties in the end-of-life setting is planned. Almost all questions and response options were well understood and accepted, no cultural barrier to the use of the questionnaires in palliative care was detected.

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