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Wouter Eilander and Frank Faber
Xanthomatosis is a disease in which large tendon tumors can occur, especially in the Achilles tendon. We report a case of a seventy-five year old patient with giant bilateral Achilles tendon xanthomas in which both tumors were resected. Approximately fifty percent of both Achilles tendons could be spared, so no reconstruction using autograft tendon was necessary. Postoperative treatment consisted of six weeks lower leg cast immobilization. After 12 weeks the patient was able to walk pain free en wear footwear without any difficulties. It has been suggested that a subtotal resection leads to a higher recurrence rate of the tumor. On the other hand, it is associated with fewer complications compared to total excision with augmentation. 18 months after surgery our patient had no signs of recurrence of Achilles tendon swelling.