国际标准期刊号: ISSN 2472-016X



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Review on Breast Cancer Patients Bone Lesions and Bone Disorder

Lincz Lisa

Breast cancer metastases most often occur in the bone. There are mimickers of metastatic bone disease, and some of them have already been defined. They may cause patient anxiety, ineffective or delayed therapy, and unnecessary biopsies. The development of breast cancer in a patient with a history of osteopetrosis, a sclerotic bone disease, is the subject of this article. Her Osteopetrosis was mistaken for metastatic bone disease three times on imaging studies after she had breast cancer treatment because the radiologist didn’t have a complete clinical history before interpreting the tests. There are a number of distinct and generalized bone conditions that have the potential to resemble bone metastasis in breast cancer. Brown fat, osteopoikilosis, vertebral osteomyelitis, and myositis ossificans are examples of discrete conditions.

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