国际标准期刊号: ISSN 2472-016X



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Rhabdomyosarcoma and Its Risk Factors in Adults

Lin Ye

Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a pediatric soft tissue sarcoma and represents a high-grade neoplasm of skeletal myoblast-like cells. A gradual improvement in understanding of physiology has helped optimize clinical care. Two main subtypes of RMS. Originally characterized by features of optical microscopy. Driven by fundamentally different molecular mechanisms, it poses a variety of clinical challenges. Curative therapies depend on control of the primary tumor. It can occur in many different anatomical locations. Combat common ailments known or suspected to be present in all cases. Refined risk stratification for children with RMS includes a variety of clinical, pathological and molecular characteristics; this information is used to guide the application of multifaceted treatments. Such treatments have historically included both cytotoxic chemotherapy and ionizing radiation or both. This introduction describes the current understanding of the epidemiology of RMS. Factors of clinical care, including disease susceptibility factors; disease mechanisms; and diagnosis. Risk-based care for newly diagnosed and recurrent disease. Prevention and treatment of late complications in survivors.

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