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Robots in Agriculture

Vihaan M

Computer sensors and actuators such as global positioning systems, artificial vision and laser sensors have been gradually integrated into mobile robots for the purpose of configuring autonomous systems capable of moving operator activities during agricultural tasks. However, combining multiple electronic systems in one robot reduces its reliability and increases its cost. Hardware minimization, along with software minimization and ease of integration, are key to achieving viable robotic systems. A step forward in the application of automated equipment in agriculture is the use of robotic teams, where several specialized robots work together to complete one or more agricultural tasks. This article attempts to develop a system architecture for individual robots and robots that work as a team to improve reliability, reduce complexity and cost, and enable software integration from different developers. Several solutions are studied, ranging from fully distributed architectures to fully integrated architectures in which a central computer performs all the processes. This work also investigates different topologies for controlling robotic teams and driving other potential topologies. The architecture presented in this article is successfully applied in the RHEA team, which consists of three mobile ground units based on a commercial tractor chassis.

免责声明: 此摘要通过人工智能工具翻译,尚未经过审核或验证。