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Role of Synthetic Hormones on Reproductive Performance in Etroplussuratensis

Dhas SA, Selvaraj T, Citarasu T, Punitha SMJ and Babu MM*

The present study was conducted to experiment the role of synthetic hormones on reproductive performance in Etroplus suratensis. The performance of these hormones were assessed by studying the fecundity, egg size, percentage of egg fertilization, percentage of deformed larvae development, percentage of hatching, milt collection, sperm motility and time of sperm survival. The observation from this showed that the above said reproductive parameters were found to be maximum in the HCG+LHRH administration followed by ovaprim administration. The findings of this study state that the combination of HCG+LHRH is advisable for the induced maturation for E. suratensis than individual hormone treatment.

免责声明: 此摘要通过人工智能工具翻译,尚未经过审核或验证。