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Screening of Different Rice Genotypes against (Pyricularia grisea) Sacc. in Natural Epidemic Condition at Seedling Stage in Chitwan, Nepal

Khanal Sabin, Subedi Bijay, Bhandari Amrit, Giri Dilli Raman, Shrestha Bhuwan, Neupane Priyanka, Shrestha Sundar Man and Gaire Shankar Prasad

Numerous research has already establish blast as the continuous and devastating threat to rice production in Nepal and on the contrary Nepalese farmers do not have efficient knowledge and understanding about the complexity of disease for the management of the blast epidemic development. The most effective physical tool seems to be provision of resistant genotypes obtained against screening of different rice genotypes: effective management practices against the complexity of blast pathogen. Experiments were conducted for screening 50 rice genotypes under natural epidemic condition against seedling blast (Pyricularia grisea) in Randomized complete block design at Chitwan. Rice grains were sown on July 6, 2015 at field and disease scoring was done on 21, 24, 27 and 30 DAS; Scoring was done based on the standard scale of 0-9 developed by IRRI. Based on the result Taichung-176 and Sankharika showed the highest percentage of incidence and severity of disease. Sabitri, however, was found to be most resistant among genotypes with the lowest percentage of incidence and severity during observation.

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