国际标准期刊号: 2572-0899



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Simulation as Innovation in Advanced Medical Programs

Joe Briley

Simulation as a pedagogy is employed extensively to teach health care professionals in each tutorial and clinical arenas with the intent to boost the delivery of care and patient outcomes. Advanced apply nursing (APN) programs use simulation as a pedagogy despite the fact that APN enfranchisement and certification organizations proscribe work simulation hours for the minimum five hundred clinical hours. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore college perceptions of training APN students exploitation simulation. Focus teams were conducted with a convenience sample of APN Simulation College. Tumultuous innovation theory was employed by the researchers to guide the information analysis. Themes rising throughout analysis included: adscititious tension and pressure within the thick of chaos, internal vulnerability, and passion and persistency to stay resilient. The study results offer clarity to grasp integration of APN simulation within the current surroundings, and introduce the impact of simulation as a tumultuous innovation.