国际标准期刊号: 2155-952X



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SLM2 Cardiac Splicing Factor in Heart Failure

Emma Mia*

Alternative mRNA splicing is a essential system to growth the flexibility of the genome. In humans, cardiac mRNA splicing is concerned withinside the pathophysiology of coronary heart failure. Mutations withinside the splicing thing RNA Binding Motif protein 20 (RBM20) reason extreme styles of cardiomyopathy. To pick out novel cardiomyopathy-related splicing elements, RNA-seq and tissueenrichment evaluation have been performed, which recognized upregulation of Sam68-Like Mammalian Protein 2 (SLM2) withinside the left ventricle of Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) sufferers. In the human coronary heart, SLM2 binds to essential transcripts of sarcomere elements, inclusive of myosin mild chain 2 (MYL2), troponin I3 (TNNI3), troponin T2 (TNNT2), tropomyosin 1/2 (TPM1/2), and titin (TTN). Mechanistically, SLM2 mediates intron retention, prevents exon exclusion, and thereby mediates opportunity splicing of the mRNA areas encoding the variable proline-, glutamate-, valine-, and lysine-rich (PEVK) area and every other a part of the I-band area of titin. In summary, SLM2 is a singular cardiac splicing regulator with vital capabilities for preserving cardiomyocyte integrity via way of means of binding and processing the mRNA of vital cardiac elements inclusive of titin.

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