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Strategies for Introducing Robotics and Automation in Architectural Pedagogy in Ghana. The Case of KNUST

Benjamin Papa Arkoh* and Alexander Boakye Marful

The 20th century, characterized by initial developments in computers, robotics and automation marked the start of the computer age. The heightened quest to reduce limitations of human resource, coupled with further exploration saw significant advancements in technological developments in later years. Robotics and automation is an aspect of engineering encompassing the design, development and application of automated robots. Research shows robotics and automation is becoming an imperative part of architectural pedagogy and practice. However, in the case of Ghana, there have been minimal attempts at exploring robotics and automation in architecture pedagogy and practice. Concentrating on architecture pedagogy, specifically, the department of architecture KNUST, the research reviewed existing literature on the state of robotics and automation in architecture education in Ghana. Information gained was analyzed in conjunction with data collected by means of observations, questionnaires addressed to students and interviews directed at faculty staff to assess the existing inputted strategies as well as the limitations hindering the holistic pairing of both disciplines. Findings showed that although a majority of students and faculty staff were enthused about robotics and automation in architecture education, the absence of structured courses, the lack of robotic equipment in the department and the unwillingness of some students and faculty staff to adopt robotics and automation due to certain conceptions the have caused a gap between both disciplines. The paper proposed that, establishing structured courses, seminars and workshops with experts, making available robotics and automation tools for practical experimenting and encouraging students venturing robotics and automation through organized in person and online exhibitions can help effectively introduce robotics and automation in architecture pedagogy.

免责声明: 此摘要通过人工智能工具翻译,尚未经过审核或验证。