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Surgical Treatment of Post Burn Bent Contractures of the Foot in Children

Babur Magrufovich Shakirov

The post-burn bent contracture deformity of feet in children represents a challenging and complex specific pathology of the weight bearing motor apparatus. According to the findings of burn department of RSCUMA and Inter-Regional Burn Centre of Samarkand, Uzbekistan burn contractures of the toes are observed in about 72% of patients.

During the period of 1992-2007, 112 patients with post burn bent contractures of toes were treated. The patient’s ages, severity of deformity, and treatment method were followed for an average 1-5 years. Deformity was classified from I to IV degree according to the classification given by Parin BV. The choice of surgery was made on the basis of the severity and localization of the injury. The patients were followed-up during a period of one to ten years. 112 of patients were treated with surgical intervention to restore function and reduce deformity. The relative occurrence of the different types of burn contractures of the foot was as follows: mild type-21; moderate type-44; severe type-29; multilated type-18.

In 79.5% of cases, contracture was removed absolutely in 14.3% there was an improvement and only in 6.3% of cases there was no improvement because of the irreversible bone-joint change.

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