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Teaching and Learning Vocabulary: Insights from Learning Styles and Learning Theories

Ahmed M. S. Alduais

Learning styles like (Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic) as in the VAK theory and (Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, Kinaesthetic) as in VARK, and the Mind Styles Model (i.e. concrete vs. abstract perceptual abilities and sequential vs. random ordering abilities)—propose in one way or another individualisation of education (i.e. mainly here learning and teaching languages as in TESL and TEFL). Similarly, learning theories propose different interpretations for the system of learning as in (behaviourism, constructivism, cognitivism, social psychology, and connectionism)— through which learning and teaching should take place. Five models were proposed approaching these issues with the first model for the vocabulary system (i.e. form aspect(s), meaning aspect(s), and distribution aspect(s), the second model for integration of learning theories and five types of aids (visual, audio, audio-visual, action and multimedia aids), the third, fourth and fifth models for three learning styles’ theories (i.e. VAK, VARK, and the Mind Styles Model). Given that my approach was only based on my designed models inspired by the original theories, conclusions included that experimental and behavioural based evidence is needed to give credibility for the effectiveness of using learning styles towards more effective teaching of vocabulary. With this in mind, it was proposed that learning styles could be used as indicators other than reliable and valid diagnostic tools for he learners’ preferences-helping teachers to consider the use of as many as possible of the five introduced types of aids while teaching vocabulary-enhancing the implications from the learning theories, too.

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