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The case for formalized training for caregivers of seniors ? delivering excellent elderly caregiving in Modern Singapore

Satyaprakash Tiwari

Caregiving, especially for senior members of the family, is often thrust on people when they are least prepared for it. It is a role that can be very
stressful and draining for the caregiver - physically, mentally and financially. It extends into the caregiver’s personal space as the senior gradually
becomes emotionally and tangibly dependant on the caregiver. As the senior ages, often the roles of parent and child are ‘swapped’ with the child
having to take a more ‘parent’ role of loving and admonishing the parent like a ‘child’.
In the metropolitan lifestyle of Singapore, the caregiver needs support from an ably trained hired caregiver since he/she juggles multiple roles
- work, caring for his own family, caring for the senior, etc.While living in the community is best for the senior’s well-being, the family caregiver can
suffer burn out and strained relations with the care recipient.
CARE understands challenges and works to support the family caregiver fully. With its 360° CARE Model, CARE ensures that the hired
caregiver is aware of ageing and challenges of caring for a senior, along with necessary knowledge, skills and training. A meticulous recruitment
and rigorous pre-placement training guarantees thar the hired caregiver is also aware of care conditions unique to the individual, family and
Singaporean culture. They are competent in managing activities of daily living, hygiene, nutrition, ambulation and cognitive stimulation and possess the knowhow to care for persons with Dementia, Cancer, Stroke, Parkinson’s Disease and other ailments that are common in the senior population.
The training is constantly updated to keep the hired caregivers updated with latest changes in care mechanisms and technology used in care
of seniors. The emphasis is on person-centred care and the confident specialised caregivers develop professional levels of interpersonal, criticalthinking and personal care skills.

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