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The Contribution of Cell Block Method to Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Diagnosis

Alptekin Sen

As in all fields of medicine, the principle of giving the most accurate and detailed result to the patient with the least invasive method is on the agenda in pathology. In this way, invasive methods containing various complications will be applied to patients less frequently and the loss of time will be reduced. In this study, which includes 113 cases involving different organs, we performed in this context; The specificity of the technique we applied was determined to be 98%, the sensitivity was determined to be 95%, the positive prediction was determined to be 95%, the negative prediction was determined to be 98% accurate. We found that the contribution of the method we saw to be more remarkable, especially in the evaluation of joint fluids and abdominal aspiration fluids; we also found its contribution significant in the specification of lesions in soft tissue and thyroid fine needle aspiration. As a result, we think that the cell blocking method can be an important diagnostic support bridge between cytology and histology.

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