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Richard Bradley
This is a case study of a 34-year-old man who has had chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) for 17 years and has been experiencing severe generalized itching and rashes all over his body. Omalizumab (OMA), autologous serum therapy (AST), and conventional antihistamine treatments do not significantly alleviate the patient's symptoms. Snehapana (therapeutic administration of unctuous formulations like ghee, oil), Vamana, Virechana, and internal medication in line with Seethapitta Chikitsa were some of the Ayurvedic Panchakarma procedures used to treat him. At baseline, after Vamana, after Virechana, and at follow-up, the patient was instructed to use a validated weekly Urticaria Activity Score (UAS7) to keep track of hives and itching for a week. The Chronic Urticaria Quality of Life Questionnaire (CU-Q2oL) was used to measure quality of life at baseline and during follow-up. According to the scores, the assessment revealed a complete remission of disease activity and an improvement in quality of life. The hematological and biochemical investigations demonstrate that Ayurveda is safe and effective in managing CSU.