国际标准期刊号: 2167-065X



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The Effectiveness, Safety, Adverse Drug Reactions, and Interchangeability of Biopharmaceuticals as Experienced by Public Hospital Doctors from Various Specialties: a Qualitative Study

Marconi Abreu

Although there's increasing support for biosimilar medicines by the Iraqi Ministry of Health (MOH), there's scarce info concerning whether or not physicians settle for these medicines and support movement toward commutation reference medicines with their biosimilar counterparts. The study objectives were to explore in-depth the perceptions of Iraqi physicians operating publically hospitals concerning the distinction in effectiveness and safety between biosimilar medicines and their reference biological counterparts, assess physicians' barriers to prescribing biosimilar medicines, assess the adherence of physicians to the new pharmacovigilance rules on news biopharmaceutical adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and establish any barriers facing physicians to news biopharmaceutical ADRs.his qualitative study enclosed face-to-face and virtual semi-structured interviews involving physicians from completely different disciplines UN agency had expertise with biological or biosimilar medicines.