国际标准期刊号: 2329-9053



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The Impact and Controversy Surrounding Defoliation

Thamizharasan Lennarz

Defoliation, the deliberate removal of leaves from plants, has far-reaching impacts and has generated significant controversy. This article examines the multifaceted aspects of defoliation, including its agricultural applications and ecological repercussions. In agriculture, defoliation is employed for pest control, disease management, and crop enhancement. However, it disrupts habitats, contributes to soil erosion, and raises concerns about water quality. The debate centers on balancing these benefits with potential environmental harm. Mitigation strategies, such as sustainable farming practices and selective defoliation, aim to minimize negative consequences while maximizing agricultural gains. On-going monitoring and research are essential for informed decision-making to ensure the responsible use of defoliation in farming and ecosystem management.

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