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Wilson Bizimana, Arthur Semedo Insumbo, Hounayda Jerguigue, Rachida Latib and Youssef Omor
The lollipop sign was described in 2006 by Alomari et al. who thought that lollipop sign was a characteristic finding of Hepatic Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma (HEHE) [1]. The lollipop sign represents hepatic portal vein or and their tributaries branches tapering and terminating at or just within the edge of a well-defined peripherally enhancing or non-enhancing lesion with an avascular core on CT or MRI Images [2]. The sign is a combination of the two structures, the hypodense or hypointense well defined tumor mass on enhanced CT or MRI images (the candy in the lollipop or target-like appearance) and the histologically occluded vein (stick) [3]. We found on abdominal CT scan this typical radiological sign indicating of Hepatic Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma (HEHE) to a case of 25-year-old young woman with diffuse abdominal pain in the form of hepatalgia who was addressed to imaging for assessment.