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The Presence of Comorbidity, Being a Male, and Foot Care Practice were Factors that Predict the Occurrences of Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Firomsa Sefera


Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is one of the most complications of diabetes mellitus related with major horribleness and mortality. DFU is the major cause of contamination and lower limit removals in diabetic patients. In spite of this, there was a meagre finding on related variables of foot ulcer among diabetes mellitus.


Facility-based cross-sectional think about was conducted among diabetes mellitus patients at BGH from Admirable 1, 2021 - 30, 2021. The approved instrument of the Nottingham Appraisal of Useful Foot care (NAFF) was utilized to survey the diabetic foot self-care hone. Multivariate calculated relapse was utilized to analyse the affiliations between the subordinate factors and autonomous factors. Information was analysed employing a measurable bundle for social science (SPSS adaptation 23).


The predominance of diabetic foot ulcers among diabetic patients in BGH was found to be tall. The nearness of comorbidity, being a male, and foot care hone were variables that foresee the events of diabetic foot ulcers. Subsequently, the progressing therapeutic instruction on the foot care hones ought to be given to diabetes mellitus patients.

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