国际标准期刊号: 2157-7617



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The Roles of Urban Agriculture for Climate Change Adaption in the Case of Debre Markos Town and Surrounding Districts East Gojjam Zone Amhara Region Ethiopia

Mengist Belay

Rapid urbanization and large scale food production both heavily dependent on fossil fuels are arguably the most significant contributors to climate change. They are also increasingly recognized as potential tools in mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Climate change has already affected food production systems leaving loss of crop, grain shortages, and increased commodity price in its wake, all of which undermine food security a fundamental human right. This study establishes that Urban Agriculture is a multipronged tool for adaptation and mitigation to tackle climate change, and is the effective tool to address food security challenges in the cities, educate and reconnect urban and peri urban farms and people to assure food and climate security in the cities

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