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The Treatment of all Diseases without Side Effects and Rejuvenation

Velimudrov Velislav

I. The treatment with the minigravitation, maxigravitation. The methods of the treatment heal and restore the damaged cells of the body and it is possible to control the cell cycle by an organism of the patients. The cancer diseases and other will treat without side effects and the work of the immune system is also improved.

II. The method of the genetic correction treats almost everything. All diseases are both congenital and acquired. An exception is an urgency surgical intervention for any bleeding trauma or when a foreign body (corpus alienum) is in the body. The method of treatment also allows rejuvenation of the body.

E.g., if any 90-years old person will be younger and look like 25 years old, than it’s possible to do it. All organs are also rejuvenated. The method allows you not only to rejuvenate, but also completely block the aging process. The method allows you not only to rejuvenate, but also completely block and control the aging process. The methods allow blocks and unlock the aging processes. The process of rejuvenation and the blocking of aging processes can be fully controlled and can be fully used because are the methods of DNA correction. The both methods regenerate tissues and cells of the body. Regeneration can be made in full or in part.

The regeneration of tissues and body cells can be controlled. It is possible to control and correct two ways of cell death of the human body apoptosis (apoptosis) and necrosis (necrosis).

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