国际标准期刊号: 2576-3881



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Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies Targeting Cytokine Storm: Inclusion as a Future Treatment for the Severe Cases of COVID-19

Priti Mehta, Shikha Patel, Bhagawati Saxena

Clinical studies have manifested immunotherapeutics as the most propitious for the management of COVID-19 so far. However, the springing up variants of SARS CoV-2 has positioned the role of preventive immunotherapeuticsvaccines in doubt. Even so therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, Tocilizumab-an IL-6 inhibitor and Ravulizumab-a complement protein C5a blocker which are in clinical trial phase –IV are ascertained to be effectual for the COVID-19 cytokine storm and are envisioned to be included as an approved treatment for the severe COVID-19 cases.

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