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Threats of Nile Crocodile in Lake Chamo and the Risk Factors for Arba Minch Crocodile Ranch, Gamo Zone, Arba Minch, Ethiopia

Genanew Abate

This study was conducted in Arba Minch, Gamo Zone, South Ethiopia to assess threats of Nile crocodile in Lake Chamo and risk factors for Arba Minch crocodile ranch. Data collection was carried out from July 2021 to August 2022 using questionnaire surveys, interviews, focus group discussion and personal observation of the study area. The primary sources of data were collected from Gamo zone, Arba minch Zuria district of three Kebeles: namely, Genta kanchamo, Elgo and Wozeka which bordering lake Chamo. In addition experts from Arba Minch crocodile ranch and Nech Sar National Park were also part of interviewed to generate primary source of data. A secondary source of data includes published reports, websites, action plans, records, folders and brochures of the ranch were also used. The result revealed that deforestation, lake side farming, illegal fishing, huma-crocodile conflict, livestock grazing; nest site distraction, invasive weed, pollution and siltation were the major Nile crocodile threats in Lake Chamo. On the other hand nest site distraction, expansion of Lake Abaya, shortage of facilities for workers and lack of crocodile skin market were the main risk factors for Arba Minch crocodile ranch. Most of respondents agreed that the species of Nile crocodile in Lake Chamo were under great threats due to the above mentioned anthropogenic causes. Therefore, awareness creation programs should be organized in the community who bordering the lake. Moreover, the local government and the concerned stalk holders should be committed to delineate the buffer zone on the shore area of Lake Chamo. Effective management actions will help to reduce Nile crocodile threats and to sustain the existing resource. More research is needed on the population status and distribution patterns of Nile crocodile in the lake.

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