国际标准期刊号: 2573-458X



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To Overcome the First Disadvantage in the Fight against Global Climate Change, which Suggest New Generation Equipment and Needed New Technologies

Nguyen D

From identifying the disadvantages of the classic dust separator, we propose the appropriate solutions to overcome these disadvantages and we have obtained nine different types of dust separators for dust collection from different industrial emissions. These new dust separators allow us to recover almost completely the industrial dust contained in various industrial emissions streams. Examine the classic reactor for the classic solid-liquid-gas heterogeneous system, find that it has disadvantage and find a solution to overcome that disadvantage and that we have a new solid-liquid-gas heterogeneous reactors. This devices can be intermittent or continuous, and when assembled we will have combined gas-solid-liquid heterogeneous reactors with industrial capacity to meet the requirements of industrial practice. From these new devices, we can propose three new technologies: No-waste technology for treatment and reuse industrial emissions, CO2 capture from industrial gases in the form of powder NaHCO3, CO2 capture from industrial gases in the form of food clean liquid CO2 or dry ice.

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