国际标准期刊号: 2155-952X



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Unleashing the Power of Biocatalysis: A Sustainable Approach to Chemistry

Ashamed Khan

In an era of increasing environmental concern and the urgent need for sustainable solutions, biocatalysis
has emerged as a powerful and promising tool in the field of chemistry. This sustainable approach harnesses the
remarkable catalytic capabilities of enzymes and other biologically derived molecules to drive chemical reactions,
offering an eco-friendly alternative to traditional chemical synthesis. This abstract provides an overview of the key
principles and advantages of biocatalysis as a sustainable approach to chemistry. Biocatalysis leverages the inherent
selectivity, efficiency, and specificity of biologically derived catalysts, including enzymes, to facilitate a wide range
of chemical transformations. Enzymes, as nature's catalysts, exhibit remarkable catalytic efficiency, often achieving
high yields and product purity while operating under mild conditions, such as ambient temperature and atmospheric
pressure. This efficiency reduces energy consumption and waste generation, making biocatalysis an environmentally
friendly alternative. Biocatalysis as a sustainable approach to chemistry, emphasizing its potential to revolutionize
chemical processes, reduce environmental impact, and promote the development of green and bio-based products.
The integration of biocatalysis into industrial practices represents a vital step toward a more sustainable and
environmentally responsible chemical industry.

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