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Unpacking Forms, Causes and Effects of Abuse on Child Development in Southern Malawi Communities

PhiriInnocent Pangapanga, Catherine Charles Thangalimodzi, Lucy Thangalimodzi Pangapanga

This paper unpacked forms, causes and effects of abuse on child development in Southern Malawi communities. It further examined the role of guidance and counselling in mitigating effects of abuse on child development. A two stage sampling procedure was employed to select a total of 400 individuals from Southern Malawi communities to participate in the study. The study found a number of forms of abuse on child development. Some of these are physical, emotional, negligence, sexual and verbal. It found that these abuse are commonly affected by factors such as lack of or week policy on child abuse, poverty and past abusive experience of the perpetrator. It was noted that abuse on child development have several consequences such as mental illness, post traumatic disorders, behavioural problems, infectious diseases and early marriages. Worrisome, the paper found that victim of abuse may never forget the abusive experience for the rest of their lives. On a positive note, the paper found guidance and counselling as central to mitigating effects of child abuse especially through policy lobbying and providing counselling for mental stability, self-worthiness and esteem. The paper recommends that child programmes should refocus on proactive policies that ensure child care and protection.

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