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When Present in Caenorhabditis Elegans at Quantities Comparable to Those in Contaminated Areas, Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) Causes Toxicological Effects on Behaviour, Reproduction, and Development

Mendeley James, Robert Friday

The persistent organic pollutant (POP) perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is widely distributed in the environment. Globally, there is growing concern over the possible hazardous effects of PFOA on both human and ecological health. In this work, we examined the acute toxicity of PFOA on Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), a species of free-living, ecologically significant animal model. We looked at growth, mortality, lifespan, neurobehavior, fertility, and livelihood. 4.42 M (1.83 mg/L) was discovered to be the acute toxicity (LC50) of PFOA. The locomotor behaviour of C. elegans was altered by PFOA exposure. Additionally, after being exposed to 0.1 M (41.4 g/L) PFOA, C. elegans' ability to reproduce was diminished. Likewise, the modification in chemotaxis plasticity and lifespan reduction above 1 M (414 g/L) PFOA were both evidence of developmental toxicity

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