国际标准期刊号: 2155-6105



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Which One Support (Family, Friend or Other Significant) is Much More Important to Drug Cessation? A Study among Men Kermanshah Addicts, the West of Iran

Farzad Jalilian, Fazel Zinat Motlagh, Mohamad Reza Amoei, Naser Hatamzadeh, Hassan Gharibnavaz and Mehdi Mirzaei Alavijeh

Introduction: Drug abuse is one of the most serious problems in recent years in many countries. Social support is important benchmarks of health for people in avoidance conditions. The main goal of this study was to determine the drug abuse pattern, and social support status among men Kermanshah addicts, the west of Iran.

Methods: This cross-sectional study, conducted among men Kermanshah addicts, the west of Iran, during 2010, a total of 132 addicts, were randomly selected to participate voluntarily in the study. Data were collected from conduct interviews based on standard questionnaire and analyzed were by using SPSS-18 at 95% significant level.

Results: The majority of addicts were young (Mean: 30.4 years), and with little education. Opium (36.4%), Crack (21.2%), and Methamphetamine (12.9%) was the predominant drug. Inabilities to reject the offer drug use and have an addict friend the most reason to drug use were reported. Almost, 18.9% reported history of drug injection. 43.2% of the participants had already done drug cessation at least once. There was a significant correlation (P<0.05) between high level of social support and drug cessation.

Conclusion: Based on our findings, drug cessation was a significant correlation with high level of social support. It seems providing educational program to addict’s families for more support of patients at drug cessation can be beneficial.