国际标准期刊号: 2471-9846



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Women's Satisfaction with Maternity Wards Services in Iran

Katayoun Alidousti

Background: Patients' rights are one of the priorities of the health, and treatment care system.

Purpose: This study aimed to determine women's satisfaction with maternity wards services Methods: This retrospective study carried out on 317 mothers who had referred for postpartum, or abortion care to health care centers. A researcher-developed questionnaire with 32 questions in six different domains was used the level of satisfaction. Data were analyzed by SPSS software, and Spearman, Mann-Whitney, and Kruskal-Wallis tests.

Findings: Results showed that the mean age of the participants was 27.55 ±6.24 years.45.5% of them had academic education.50.7% had vaginal delivery, and 79.5% were Iranian. The mean score of verbal (15.73±0.53), physical (13.82±0.47), confidentiality (5.88±0.46), and payment process (4±0) domains of satisfaction were good. There was relationship between age of participants and verbal (r=0.15; p= 0.02), physical (r=0.16; p= 0.02), and consent on care domains of satisfaction (r=0.17; p= 0.01). Nationality was significantly related to the verbal domain (p <0.001), and the type of delivery was related to the negligence domain (p <0.001)

Conclusion: Participants received good respectful care except in negligence and consent on care domains. Specific interventions or plans appear to be essential to improve all domains of care.

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