国际标准期刊号: 2329-9053



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Drug Discovery Process

The drug discovery process is method of continuous process of the identification, synthesis, characterization, screening, and assays of drugs for therapeutic efficacy. The important steps of this process understand the cause of a certain disease, determine a drug’s ultimate safety profile, and design a quality drug and its manufacturing process to consistently deliver the intended performance, its non-clinical safety, chemical and pharmaceutical production of new drug that has been approved by the regulatory agencies.

Drug discovery can also involve screening small molecules for their ability to modulate a biological pathway in cells or organisms, without regard for any particular protein target. This process is likely to benefit in the future from an evolving forward analysis of synthetic pathways, used in diversity-oriented synthesis, that leads to structurally complex and diverse small molecules.

Related Journals of Drug Discovery Process

Drug Designing , Advances in Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety, International Journal of Drug Development & ResearchCurrent Drug Discovery Technologies, Drug Discovery Today, Drug Discovery Today: Disease Mechanisms, Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models, Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic Strategies, Drug Discovery World.